Jumat, Juli 26

Academic writing-Referencing & Citation

Referencing Styles
MLA citation Style
Two part system of citation:
  • In-text citation: embedded within the text of the essay itself.
  • A 'work cited' list that follows up these references with fuller details of the sources, in an alphabetically ordered list. This includes both primary and secondary texts you used in writing your assignment. all entries in the works cited page must correspond to the works cited in your main text.
In Text Citation
Included in an in-text citation is ( Author's surname and page number), or just (page number) if the author is named in sentence. no commas and or 'p.' or 'pg' are needed. The references appears in brackets at the end of the sentence that contains the quotation from or reference to your source. Punctuation comes after the citation. A full reference to the resource should then be included in the works cited page at the end of the essay. for example:
  • Author mentioned only in reference: 'This point has been emphasized (jones 156-7)
  • Author mentioned in text: 'Jones emphasizes this point (157-7)
  • Material found in indirect source: "Greenwood supports this view ( in Jones 66)"
Works Cited List
Your essay should conclude with a Works Cited list (a full list of works consulted). Entries should consist of as many of the following core elements as appropriate, in the recommended order of:
(1) Author, (2) Title of source, (3) Title of container (e.g. journal, database, website, etc), (4) Other contributors, (5) Version, (6) Number, (7) Publisher, (8) Publication date, (9) Location.
Entries are listed alphabetically by the author's late name (or, for entire edited collections, editor names). Author names are written as last name, first name (or initial) any middle names or additional initials. For example Smith, Alison M.
If you have cited more than one work by a particular author, order the entries alphabetically by title, and use three hyphens in place of the author's name for subsequent entry.
If there is no author, place the item by the first letter of its title, ignoring 'A' 'An' and 'The'.
Below are the rules for different types of books and authors.
Book with one author
       Winterson, Jeanette. Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit. Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987.
Book with two Authors
Reverse the name of the first author only.
       Kuiper, Koenraad and W. Scott Allan. An Introduction to English Language: Word, Sound, and Sentance. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Book with three or more authors
The name of the first authors should be given, followed by et al. ('and others'), e.g. Quirk, Randolph, et al.
Edition of a book
       Crowley, Sharon and Debra Hawhee. Ancient Rhetorics for contemporary Students. 3rd ed., pearson, 2004.
Book prepared by an editor
       Austen, Jane. Sense and Sensibility, edited by Claudia Johnson. Norton, 2001.
Translated Book
       Hildegard of Bingen. Selected Writings, translated by Mark Atherton. Penguin, 2001.

Kamis, Juli 25

Penulisan Referensi dengan Chicago Style

Penulisan referensi atau daftar pustaka dalam suatu penulisan karya ilmiah penting untuk dilakukan. Selain untuk menghindari plagiarisme dalam suatu tulisan, daftar pustaka juga memberikan kemudahan bagi pembaca mencari sumber asli dari acuan yang ada pada suatu tulisan ilmiah.
Terdapat banyak sekali style format penulisan daftar pustaka, antara lain seperti : APA, Chicago, IEEE, GOST, MLA, dan Turabian. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan coba menguraikan bagaimana standar penulisan dari Chicago Manual of Style (CMS), bagaimana format yang digunakan beserta contohnya. Format yang digunakan ini saya tuliskan berdasar pada edisi ke-15 dari The Chicago Manual of Style (2003).
Beberapa ciri dari penulisan daftar pustaka dengan Chicago style adalah: 
1.      Sumber pustaka ditulis urut berdasar nama belakang dari penulis. (contoh : Allin Junikhah menjadi Junikhah, Allin )
2.      Nama penulis kedua dan seterusnya dituliskan sama (tidak mengalami perubahan) dengan yang tertulis pada sumber asli.
3.      Daftar pustaka ditulis dengan spasi double dan hanging indents untuk masing-masing pustaka
4.      Baris pertama pustaka ditulis dengan margin kiri, baris kedua dan seterusnya ditulis dengan indent 5 spasi. 
5.      Tidak terdapat spasi baris pada pustaka satu dengan yang lain.
6.      Penulisan miring digunakan pada penulisan judul buku, judul jurnal, dan judul prosiding.
7.      Penulisan judul artikel dan judul dari bab tidak dituliskan miring, tetapi dituliskan dalam tanda double quotation ("..."). 
Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut format beserta contoh penulisan daftar pustaka berdasar pada Chicago Style:
1.      Artikel pada Jurnal
Format Umum
Nama belakang, nama depan penulis. "Judul artikel". Judul jurnal volume, no. issue (tahun diterbitkan) : halaman awal - halaman akhir. 
§  Hanya judul jurnal yang dituliskan miring   
§  Judul artikel dituliskan diantara tanda petik dua (") dan tidak ditulis miring

Contoh Penggunaan 
Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgsO-ARz11skdyIqvgF1y2__P1SDEbnr2TKu3APvO-jlssvyqeCIZO7kez6lkdLpaH4pf0x4Pp5SCN_ogfFf1ZIlb1oQcvLlE5hdpS9vWbalE8X1UyFARTwzXtVkNEq1u8xmrosNR4Izhw/s1600/untitled4.bmp
2.      Buku
Format Umum 
Nama belakang, nama depan penulis. Judul Buku. Edisi. Tempat diterbitkan : Penerbit, Tahun diterbitkan. 
§  Hanya judul buku yang ditulis miring
§  Format umum diatas ditulis berdasarkan format dengan satu penulis serta dituliskan edisi atau volume dari buku.
§  Format penulisan untuk penulis dengan jumlah lebih dari satu, penulis dengan editor, dan penulis anonim dapat dilihat pada contoh penulisan dibawah ini

Contoh Penggunaan   
Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjTVyxMu_9HH4qQiRK6RviSuXuPsl9bIjaA8evZaScWC4pgNZ6hRprWT5PB1pyOmWclMjMpgdVqSO3ZN2diZnLaPef7uNaeWJ15dWotMAXMcHCiPn-1Ipi-Iqj8sTio6JZ0AL4YaPFpGIg/s1600/untitled2.bmp

3.      Artikel pada Prosiding / Conference Paper
Format Umum
Nama belakang, nama depan penulis. "Judul artikel". Dalam Judul prosiding. Diedit oleh nama editor. Tempat diterbitkan : Penerbit, Tahun penerbitan.
§  Hanya judul prosiding yang dituliskan miring
§  Judul artikel dituliskan diantara tanda petik dua (") dan tidak ditulis miring
§  Format umum diatas dituliskan berdasar pada prosiding yang diterbitkan, dengan pencantuman nama editor. 
§  Untuk format lain seperti prosiding yang tidak diterbitkan maupun yang tidak mengalami pengeditan dapat dilihat pada contoh penggunaan di bawah ini.

Contoh Penggunaan
Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjYdYgBcz7nTeFZnk9MYhGCoy0gRPJMAosuh1Tc-t03W5CGmmJlVKp73IP_aW0aFvP1SFQZMjTUA0L6F3yYpC8ElzcmmUoVIrJbBaFfD2tjONOQ7P-aDMGEAJ-yBR7Sm6VPJtU2a5RP5fM/s1600/untitled5.bmp
4.      Sumber Online 
Format Umum
Nama depan, nama belakang penulis. Judul dokumen. URL situs sumber lengkap (accessed waktu pengaksesan)
§  Jika tidak terdapat nama penulis, dapat digantikan dengan site's sponsor sebagai penulis.
§  Pada Chicago Manual of Style, waktu pengaksesan dapat ditulis atau tidak, tergantung kebutuhan. Waktu pengaksesan perlu dituliskan untuk isi dokumen atau tulisan online yang dimungkinkan mengalami perubahan.
§  Penulisan jurnal dan buku online (e-book dan e-journal) ditulis seperti ketentuan pada penulisan buku dan jurnal tercetak, hanya saya ditambahkan penulisan url dari situs sumber di belakang pustaka.
§  Untuk lebih jelasnya dalam penulisan e-book, e-journal, dan beberapa sumber online lain, lihat pada contoh penulisan di bawah ini.

Contoh Penggunaan
Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg2gkjUPZJIRZ7b-6mOl0GT92B6custAQD9tEW9l0cAH5nPnLSd1FN64CAlsK9dRw7BPl_tA68zhL6fhJiz3Rr0jghnI9gZEP2sTPQ4TXpJcs5h5ZTIPvFqjVcfDC9fwYw1jnq7eDDymmg/s1600/untitled7.bmp
Untuk mempermudah dalam penulisan daftar pustaka dengan Chicago style maupun style yang lain kita dapat memanfaatkan fitur yang ada pada Microsoft Word 2007. Pada software pengolah kata ini, terdapat fitur untuk manajemen referensi atau daftar pustaka yang kita gunakan.

Cara penggunaan:
·         Pilih Menu Reference pada toolbar
·         Pilih style daftar pustaka yang diinginkan. Misal : Chicago
·         Pilih manage resource pada Citations & Bibliography
Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhEJ3MUJplVP8QOXJSbBxOIq9-orU1l9MOJRN4hgNXztj2CjNHd5OPRzdzvGF6J0hzplVqb3GbhbiPhRbbT5Bv-ghfJaVTSl_ndaOZ0SZ9yraSN3IJETIugzMMx3hP_IrqhhZaVn8N8x0U/s400/untitled8.bmp
·         Pada manage resource dialog box, pilih New kemudian masukkan data-data sumber yang akan kita pakai.
·         Data-data yang perlu diisi disesuaikan dengan jenis sumber yang kita ambil. Seperti buku, jurnal, prosiding atau sumber lain.
Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEheVUqhoHzDmIESfvovZZl0kTHKKgt1WzQHFKQNZg1mfM8dFcvdjBibXibKo0TeAlCNJuuzBrCSfiwnpFgB4ATyuZAmNBkdfV-VKzq7Zwra0ZwWlf_jAqBn46N8ZS7nvIlOjoKUPyL56Jw/s400/untitled10.bmp
§  Setelah melakukan pengisian data pustaka, data akan tersimpan dan dapat kita munculkan dalam bentuk citation maupun daftar pustaka (bibliography).
Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiQmO6lqMslANLzOBHHa-1V6fd5dx9c-UGo7UjtyfX4bC-c82o_DgikYgQ7XrSICz3haAj-UW3FOCbHqVJZUO8RO9n6rWyCrkFOFjOt0uDIAknPyr1-EE_8CZ4Vj-F5Ew_eMvY_QOs0otM/s400/untitled9.bmp
Sumber : 
Ohio State University Library. Guide for Citing Resources: Chicago Manual of Style.  
http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/24410925/1294803018/name/Chicago-style.rar (diakses 9 Oktober 2011)
Seattle Central Community College Library. Chicago Style Citation Guide
www.indiana.edu/~citing/Chicago.pdf (diakses 3 Oktober 2011)
University of Western Sydney Library. Chicago Referencing Style Guide

* Semoga bermanfaat, happy writing! :)

Kamis, Juli 18


You could be forgiven for thinking that BODMAS, BIDMAS and PEMDAS are swearing words! In fact, they are mnemonics for remembering the order of operations in mathematics. BODMAS stands for Brackets, Orders, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction
You could be forgiven for thinking that BODMAS, BIDMAS and PEMDAS are all swear words, particularly when you consider they conspire to produce so much hassle for parents! So, what exactly are BODMAS, BIDMAS and PEMDAS? The words are in fact mnemonics for remembering the order of operations in mathematics and, if that sounds like gobbledygook to you, we hope to be able to throw some light on the matter in this article.
Why are they called BODMAS, BIDMAS and, PEMDAS?
Let’s start with the meaning of a mnemonic. Rationally, it is something simple that helps you remember something more complicated. It is fairly easy to remember the phrase Richard of York Gave Battle In Vain. The first letters of each word coincide with the first letters of the colors of the rainbow - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. It’s easier to remember the complete sentence than it is to remember 7 different colours, and the idea is that remembering the sentence jogs your memory about the order of the colours. That’s a mnemonic. The letters in BODMAS, BIDMAS and, PEMDAS all stand for words.
What do the letters in BODMAS, BIDMAS and, PEMDAS stand for?
In the case of the mathematical mnemonics (BODMAS, BIDMAS and, PEMDAS) currently under discussion, we have 3 of them that mean exactly the same thing, and they all serve exactly the same purpose. Here’s what the letters stand for:
  • Brackets
  • Orders
  • Division
  • Multiplication
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Brackets
  • Indices
  • Division
  • Multiplication
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Parenthesis
  • Exponents
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
The third series above is the one most often used in the USA whilst UK schools almost always adopt series 1 or series 2 above. When your child first confronts you with one of these you will do well to remember which one it is because different schools use different ones. By sticking to the same one that your school uses you will at least avoid one level of complication.
What are orders and indices?
Brackets, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction are all words with which we are familiar but what of the second element of the mnemonics – Orders/Indices? These are the “half size numbers” that often occur in mathematical expressions. In the following example the 2 is an index (singular of the plural indices): 32 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 3
What are mathematical operations?
A mathematical Operation can be thought of as one of the symbols that make something happen in maths. A multiplication sign (x) means that two numbers need multiplying together whilst an addition sign (+) means that two numbers need adding together. These are Operations.
What is the correct order of operations in math?
The whole point of BIDMAS and BODMAS is to help you remember which operations to do in which order. Unfortunately, mathematics dictate that this is not the order from left to right as you might expect: Let’s look at a typical example and see if you get the correct answer:
2 + 3 x 4
Did you conclude that the answer is 20? If so, then you did the calculation from left to right and said that 2 plus 3 equals 5 and that is then multiplied by 4 to give 20. Unfortunately, in mathematical terms it is wrong!
If you look at the rules of BIDMAS/BODMAS you will see that multiplication comes before addition (the two operations we are dealing with) and therefore you should have dealt with the Multiplication BEFORE you dealt with the Addition. Therefore, the correct logic is 3 multiplied by 4 equals 12 and that is then added to the 2 to give 14. 14 is the correct answer.
I have lost count of the number of times that I have had a parent on the ‘phone who has said, “You have just got to be wrong. Look, I have done it on my calculator and tapped in 2 + 3 x 4 and it always, but always, gives me the answer of 20”.
Throughout the many thousands of questions on the Education Quizzes site, this issue of the Order of Operations is the one that most often generates a query to our teachers - and when parents seem to have calculators on their side there is little wonder why!
Does the 11-Plus exam use BODMAS or BIDMAS?
Now, this might take some believing but in an 11-Plus exam the wrong answer is often marked as correct whilst the correct answer is marked down! This is because some authorities believe that children up to the age of 11 should have no knowledge of the Order of Operations as defined by BIDMAS/BODMAS and therefore they expect the students to erroneously do the calculation from left to right.
To avoid the possibility of an 11-Plus candidate being marked down for getting the right answer (!) it is imperative that you check with your school whether or not the rules of Order of Operations should be applied in mathematical questions.
What are the rules of BODMAS or BIDMAS?
To see how BIDMAS (or BODMAS) rules are applied in more complex scenarios we need to analyze a mathematical expression that contains all the various elements. If you are ready, then let us begin!
2 x 20 ÷ 2 + (3+4) x 32 – 6 + 15
Step 1
Deal with the Brackets to get:
2 x 20 ÷ 2 + 7 x 32 – 6 + 15
Step 2
Deal with the Indices (if you are thinking BIDMAS) or the Order (if you are thinking BODMAS) to get:
2 x 20 ÷ 2 + 7 x 9 – 6 + 15
Step 3
Division and Multiplication rank equally so deal with these together from left to right to get:
20 + 63 – 6 + 15
Step 4
Addition and Subtraction rank equally so deal with these together from left to right to get:
It’s difficult but it’s doable! Often the only way to calculate a complicated expression is to go through the BIDMAS/BODMAS rules step-by-step just as we have done above. Beware - shortcuts almost always lead to errors.