Kamis, September 28


Korrupsaun hanesan krime ne’ebé ekstraordinariu (extraordinary crime), tanba ne’e pratika korrupsaun estraga funsionamentu estadu iha kualker setor, tantu iha setor publiku no privadu. Impaktu korrupsaun mos bot teb-tebes ba direitu sosial ekonomia povu, parte ida husi direitu humanu, tanba ne’e, atu hamenus ka halakon korupsaun tengki mos uza meius ne’ebe extraordinariu (extraordinary measure) no uza istrumentu legal ne’ebe mos extraordinariu (extraordinary instrument), tanba ne’e presija lei spesial ida ne’ebe bele foti fila fali riku ka sasan husi servidor estadu sira ne’ebé liu husi dalan ne’ebe la klaru/justu. (illicit enrichment).
Terminolojia illicit enrichment tuir artigu  20 United Nation Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) 2003, “Subject to its constitution and the fundamental principles of its legal system, each State Party shall consider adopting such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as a criminal offence, when committed intentionally, illicit enrichment, that is, a significant increase in the assets of a public official that he or she can not reasonably explain in relation to his or her lawful income.”
Seluk fali husi UNCAC 2003, illicit enrichment  mos regula iha konvensaun internasional seluk, mak hanesan Article IX International American Convention Against Corruption (IACAC) ne’ebe define illicit enrichment  hanesan, “an offense a significant increase in the assets of a government official that he cannot reasonably explain in relation to his lawful earnings during the performance of his function”. No mos iha Article 8 African Union on the Prevention and Combating Corruption (AUCAC) ne’ebé define illicit enrichment hanesan, “the significant increase in the assets of a public official or any other person which he or she cannot reasonably explain in relation to his or her income.”  
Bazeia ba definisaun husi konvensaun UNCAC, IACAC, dan AUCAC iha leten, ita bele halo konkluzaun katak illicit enrichment maka hahalok ne’ebé hariku an liu husi dalan ne’ebé lalos no iha aumenta asset ka riku ne’ebé ho montante bot ba servidor estadu, maibe asset ka riku sira ne’e ninia fontes la iha no laiha legalidade atu hatudu nia fontes riku refere.